Dragon Court: Revived
About the Project

Dragon Court was originally a game released around 1997 as a Java Applet, but has since become abandonware around 2017. It was created by Fred Haslam who primarily did coding and design. Additionally, Elden Bishop contributed to code, with more design help from Lawrence Wegner and Diane M. Jones, and finally, wonderful artwork by Ted Galaday.

The game relies on a dedicated server to handle saving player progress, mailing items between players, building clans and maintaining leaderboard rankings. Since the original site has gone down, the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine was used to salvage as much as possible to bring back Dragon Court.

Only the last known client version was found (v19b037) as a Java Applet. Unfortunately, Java Applets were phased out by modern browsers since 2013, and have been removed from support by 2015-2017. However, thanks to the CheerpJ technology, the original Dragon Court binary became runnable as WebAssembly and Javascript in modern browsers without additional setup or tinkering.

The last step was figuring out how to make the functioning Dragon Court game client able to save hero progress and other online related features with a custom server. Thus the project for Dragon Court: Revived began, and here we are today!

- Penguin Chilling Games

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