Dragon Court: Revived
Account & Password Utilities

1) Resend Verification
2) Reset Password
3) Change Password
4) Change Email
5) Heroes Info


Dragon Court: Revived uses a new custom server, since the original server has been abandoned. This means old hero data is no longer accessible, and all players must start new heroes.

Also, many of the account management functions may send a confirmation email, so please check your spam or make sure you have dragoncourt@naver.com whitelisted or unblocked.

Resend Verification Email
If there are any pending verifications for new hero creation or changing emails, a new verification link will be sent to the email. (Be sure to check your inbox for, or unblock dragoncourt@naver.com).

Reset Password
Hero Name:
You need to enter your name and email address. If the email address matches the address in the hero record, then the a new password is mailed to that address.

Change Password
Hero Name:
Old Password:
New Password:
Verify New Password:
To set a new password you have to enter your email address, current name, and current password and email address. It must be 8-15 characters long. (It can't be more than 15 characters due to a limitation on the original game's password input not accepting more than 15 characters.)

Change Email Address
Hero Name:
New Email:
You need to enter your name, password, and new email. A verification email will be sent to the new email first, before the change is finalized. You can recover your password in another function. You can recover your hero names in another function.

Check Hero Info (Quests Remaining)
Hero Name:
You need to input a valid hero name + password, and then you can see all the heroes linked to the same email, and the number of Quests they have remaining for the day.

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Dragon Court: Revived